注意: 庆祝发射 十大菠菜靠谱平台运动中心
Huntingdon provides an invaluable education at a real value. 公认的顶级地区学院(美国.S. 新闻 & 《十大菠菜靠谱平台》(World Report)、《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》(Princeton Review)和《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》(us.S. 新闻的最佳价值观榜单, 在其他荣誉中, Huntingdon provides a number of benefits to traditional undergraduate.
十大菠菜靠谱平台是一个生活和学习的社区,每个学生都有平等的机会获得丰富智慧成长的资源, 信仰, 和服务. 提供传统的本科学生, 在正常学杂费范围内, 以下资源:
- 笔记本电脑 is provided for your use all four years; yours to keep at graduation.
- 图书和信息资源 are covered by your student fee 和 provided through Huntingdon’s Book Plan, 这样就省去了寻找的麻烦和成本, 采购, 把你的书卖回去.
- 灵活的星期五 把周五留给友谊, 发现自己, 完成实习或工作, 课程作业反思, 或者展示你的领导力, 音乐的, 或者运动技能, 因为你的课要和M-Th见面.
- 职业生涯和职业探索,以道德为重点 begins in your freshman year 和 strengthens your resolve as you take each step forward.
- 真实的学习 结合实习, 校外实习期, 阴影的经历, 勤工助学, 服务, 和 other h和s-on learning experiences to deepen your underst和ing, 加强你的技能, 建立你的简历.
- 十大菠菜靠谱平台村 围绕着你的是一份温暖, 友好的, 在被《十大菠菜靠谱平台》杂志评为南方最美丽的大学之一的校园里,大多数学生都把温馨的大学社区称为“家”.
- 十大菠菜靠谱平台的知与被知传统 是小班授课, 家庭氛围, 和 a place where you will know your classmates 和 professors, 他们会认识你的. 在十大菠菜靠谱平台,每个学生都会有所作为.
- 鹰之灵 是独一无二的, 有几十个团队, 俱乐部, 和组织, including 21 NCAA-Division III athletic teams 和 coed Esports, 提供丰富的参与机会, 服务, 为他人加油, 引领, 并建立将持续一生的友谊. 在十大菠菜靠谱平台,我们让鹰轻松翱翔.
学生活动和学生会的成员资格鼓励学生积极参与, 涉及到, 和活跃.
Technology, printing, 和 other support 服务s are provided at no extra cost to students.
十大菠菜靠谱平台每年以助学金的形式管理数百万美元的财政援助, 贷款, 奖学金, 和 勤工助学 to nearly 100% of traditional undergraduate students. This assistance comes from College, 联邦, state, private, 和 community sources.
- 学费:27,570美元(全日制每学期13,785美元)
- 学费:1美元,500 (Payable in the first semester of attendance each academic year, the Student Fee supports a variety of student activities, 学生会协会费用及赞助活动, 出版物, 和讲座, as well as components of the 十大菠菜靠谱平台亮点: books 和 information resources, 电脑, 技术支持.)
- 房间 & 食宿:双人,10,922美元(每学期5,461美元)
- 通勤学生费用:1美元,000 (Paid only by those not living in Huntingdon-owned housing, 此年费包括一个Block 30通勤膳食计划和其他服务,如Wi-Fi和有限的指定通勤停车场)。
请注意独立音乐课的费用, 科学实验室, 其他教学服务也可能适用.
*费用:从2016-2017学年开始, 费用 cover required books 和 other information resources for fall 和 spring terms. The annual Student Fee also supports a variety of student activities 和服务s, 计算机程序与技术支持, Student Government Association (SGA) 费用 和 sponsored events, 出版物, 和讲座. 其他 费用 are applicable to each student’s class schedule, 比如实验室费用, 独立音乐教学, 以及其他费用.
Estimated 2024-2025 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 出勤费用, Traditional Undergraduate Program
预估的出勤费用是指在一学年的秋季和春季学期就读一所学院或大学的平均费用. 包括学费, 费用, 以及对书籍和用品的平均成本的估计, 食物和住房, 运输, 联邦贷款费用, 个人开支.
全日制传统节日 | ***部分时间传统日 | ||||
生活安排 | 居民 | 通勤者(住在家里) | 通勤者(不住在家里) | 通勤者(住在家里) | |
学费 | $27,570 | $27,570 | $27,570 | 每学时1149美元 | |
学生费用* | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | |
通勤费 | 0 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
食宿(食物) & 住房) | $10,922 | $5,500 | $8,922 | $5,500 | |
书籍及用品 | $300 | $300 | $300 | $300 | |
运输 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
个人杂项开支 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
联邦学生贷款费用 | $68 | $68 | $68 | $68 | |
总计 | $42,360 | $37,938 | $41,360 |
- 学费:27,150美元(全日制每学期13,575美元)
- 学费:1美元,500 (Payable in the first semester of attendance each academic year, the Student Fee supports a variety of student activities, 学生会协会费用及赞助活动, 出版物, 和讲座, 以及十大菠菜靠谱平台计划的组成部分.
- 房间 & 食宿:双人,10,922美元(每学期5,461美元); Single, $15,500 ($7,750元/学期), 对于那些住在校园宿舍的人.
- 通勤学生费用:1美元,000 (Paid only by those not living in Huntingdon-owned housing, 此年费包括一个Block 30通勤膳食计划和其他服务,如Wi-Fi和有限的指定通勤停车场)。
- 请注意独立音乐课的费用, 科学实验室, 其他教学服务也可能适用.
*Fees: From the 2016–2017 academic year through the 2023-2024 academic year, 费用 cover required books 和 other information resources for fall 和 spring terms. The annual Student Fee also supports a variety of student activities 和服务s. 其他 费用 are applicable to each student’s class schedule, 比如实验室费用, 独立音乐教学, 以及其他费用.
Estimated 2023-2024 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 出勤费用, Traditional Undergraduate Program
预估的出勤费用是指在一学年的秋季和春季学期就读一所学院或大学的平均费用. 包括学费, 费用, 以及对书籍和用品的平均成本的估计, 食宿, 运输, 个人开支.
全日制传统节日 | ***部分时间传统日 | ||||
生活安排 | 居民 | 通勤者(住在家里) | 通勤者(不住在家里) | 通勤者(不住在家里) | |
学费 | $27,150 | $27,150 | $27,150 | 每学时1132美元 | |
学生费用* | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | |
通勤费 | 0 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
食宿(食物) & 住房) | $10,922 | $5,500 | $8,922 | $5,500 | |
书籍及用品 | $300 | $300 | $300 | $300 | |
运输 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
个人杂项开支 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
联邦学生贷款费用 | $68 | $68 | $68 | $68 | |
总计 | $41,490 | $37,518 | $40,940 |
所有十大菠菜靠谱平台大学董事会计划的费用都是一样的. 计划的不同之处在于Julia Walker Russell食堂(“DH”)提供的膳食数量与可以在Scarlet中使用的“弹性”点数 & 灰色的商店, the POD, the Hawk Food Trailer, or other Aramark dining or snack facilities.
- 19“可转移性”膳食计划: 每周19顿饭,外加150美元的弹性工作点.
- 15“弹性”膳食计划:这是默认的董事会计划. 15 of the 19 meals 服务d per week in the dining hall, plus $200 in flex-points.
- 10“弹性”膳食计划:每周在卫生署提供19餐中的10餐,外加250美元的弹性积分.
您将自动分配15餐计划,并可能在课程的第一周更改为不同的计划. The 19 meals 服务d in the dining hall each week include breakfast, 午餐, 和 dinner Monday through Friday 和 brunch 和 dinner on Saturday 和 Sunday. The board charges include 10% state, county, 和 city sales tax on food. Dining 服务s 和 residence halls are closed during holidays.
You may purchase additional dollars to be added to your account, 通过学生证/刷卡访问, to allow for more purchases in Huntingdon/ARAMARK dining venues.
The $1,000 Commuter Student Fee includes one Block 30 Commuter Meal Plan. You may choose to add to this meal plan in the following ways:
- Block 30 - 30餐费和$300弹性点($500)(一个Block 30通勤餐费包含在通勤费中.)
- 您也可以将Flex point添加到您的学生帐户/ID中,以便在任何餐饮/便利区或其他爱玛客餐饮或小吃设施(例如. 咖啡店,POD等.).
Financial 援助 offers are normally determined on an annual basis, 每年奖学金金额的一半在第一学期存入学生账户,另一半在第二学期存入学生账户. 每学期, aid eligibility is finalized after the institution’s official second week report is released. 十大菠菜靠谱平台的奖学金和助学金只提供给全日制攻读学位的传统本科学生. 重要的是要知道,十大菠菜靠谱平台奖学金和助学金获得者也可能有资格获得其他形式的机构奖学金, 联邦, 还有国家援助. 然而, 必须填写FAFSA表格,以便学生金融服务办公室确定资格. 所有联邦资助的援助都需要完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)。. Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is determined from the FAFSA. Cost of attendance is calculated by totaling estimated 费用, 学费, 书籍及用品, 和 living expenses based on whether a student lives on campus or off-campus. Unmet need is calculated by subtracting the EFC 和 aid offered from the 出勤费用. (出席费用- EFC -援助=未满足的需求).
请注意, 在一般情况下, 每名学生只能获得一项优秀或荣誉奖学金或参与奖. Once a student enrolls additional 奖学金 will not be awarded.
在每学期开始之前, 预注册的学生和寄存的新生会收到基于预注册信息的估Billing用和经济援助报表. Actual charges may change because of updates to the class schedule, 食宿变化, 类费用, 等. The estimated balance (after financial aid is applied) is due the first day of classes. Final charges 和 aid are posted after the second week of classes.
每个学生签署一份本票,承认他或她理解有责任支付在十大菠菜靠谱平台注册期间发生的所有费用, whether or not these charges are reflected on estimated billings.
Students are not permitted to attend classes until their financial affairs are arranged. 如果学生的账户出现拖欠, the College may withdraw permission for the student to attend classes. 在学期结束时,如果学生的账户没有全额支付(或没有支付满意的款项), 十大菠菜靠谱平台保留在财务安排完成之前撤销该学生下学期上课许可的权利.
- Pay the estimated semester balance in full by the stated deadline on the College’s calendar.
- 参加学院的延期付款计划(根据学年账单上提供的付款时间表付款)
The 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 Deferred Payment Plan allows students 和 parents to pay educational expenses in monthly installments; the fee for plan enrollment is $250 annually. 未参加延期付款计划但未在公布的截止日期前全额支付学期余额的学生每年需支付250美元的计划费,并自动列入延期付款计划. Students who attend only one semester during an academic year are charged the full fee.
参加十大菠菜靠谱平台延期付款计划的学生将收到一份付款时间表和签署的本票. 未能按照所提供的报表时间表付款,将导致30美元的滞纳金, 记在学生的账上. A late payment fee is charged for each delinquent payment.
If you have questions about student accounts, billing procedures, or payment policies, contact:
1500 E. 锦绣大道
(334) 833-4404 •传真(334)833-4235